# Development Environment

# Local development

1) Setup SLM instance To setup a SLM instance with the latest snapshot version follow the installation instructions and use the latest snapshot version as tag or the SLM installer docker image (e.g. ghcr.io/eclipse-slm/slm/installer:1.4.0-SNAPSHOT).

1) Export Configuration

Edit the stack/config-exporter/.env file and set the following variable values according to your development setup:

LOCAL_PROJECT_PATH Path to the checked out SLM git repository (opens new window). If you are using Docker Desktop for Windows add the above path in Settings -> Resources -> FILE SHARING.
SLM_HOSTNAME Hostname of the host where your SLM instance is running.
LOCAL_HOSTNAME Hostname of your local development machine.
CONSUL_SCHEME Scheme of the host where the Consul instance of the SLM is running.
CONSUL_HOST Hostname of the host where the Consul instance of the SLM is running.
CONSUL_PORT Port of the host where the Consul instance of the SLM is running.
CONSUL_TOKEN Master token of the Consul instance of your SLM instance. The Consul master token is printed at the end of the installer run.

Run the config exporter sing the following command inside the directory stack/config-exporter:

docker-compose up

3) IDE

Stop the containers relevant for your development and start the components in your IDE. Through the Config Exporter, your local project has been configured to allow the components started via IDE to connect to the locally deployed SLM instance.