# Service Offerings

Services that are available for deployment via the Service Lifecycle Management are offered as so-called service offerings. A service offering can have multiple versions. After ordering a service offering, a new service instance is deployed based on the service offering and the selected version.

# Creating service offerings

There are two ways to create the service offering: Using a wizard or based on a Git repository.

# Service Offering Wizard

Go to the section Service Vendor, select the service vendor for which you want to create a new service offering, and click on the ADD SERVICE OFFERING button.


Enter the details of the new service offering and click on CREATE.

The service offering gets created and will be visible in the service offerings list of the service vendor. To be able to order a service offering, a version must be created. To do this, click in the new service offering on CREATE FIRST VERSION.

Enter the version number and select a deployment type. The following step in the wizard depends on the selected deployment type. In this case Docker Container is selected as deployment type.

Enter the details used to deploy a Docker container based on the service offering version.

Definitions such as port mappings, volumes, labels or environment variables can be shown to the user as service options when ordering. This allows the user to configure the service instance that will be deployed. In the wizard's last step, the service options are automatically generated based on the previous step, and the service options can be configured. Further details on the service options are described here. Finally, click CREATE.

The service offering version gets created and will be shown as a version of the newly created service offering.

# Git-based service offerings

To automatically create a service offering based on a Git repository, a file named fabos.yaml must be stored in the repository. This file contains all the necessary information to describe a service offering. The file is structured as shown in the example below. Files (e.g., images, compose files, environment variable files) are referenced via their file name and the relative path to the root of the Git repository. An example is available in a public Git repository (opens new window).

name: My Service
serviceVendorId: 2eb5f19f-b75b-4bab-aa57-326320ff14ee
description: This is the long description of my service which will be shown in the 
             detail view of the service offering.
shortDescription: This is the short description of my service which will be shown in 
                  the overview of all service offerings.
coverImageFilename: my-service-cover.png
serviceCategoryName: Dashboard
  serviceOptionCategories: []
  serviceRequirements: []
  serviceRepositories: []
    deploymentType: DOCKER_COMPOSE
    composeFilename: docker-compose.yml
    - env.list

Go to the section Service Vendor, select the service vendor for which you want to create a new service offering, and click on the ADD SERVICE OFFERING button.


Enter the URL of the Git repository and a regular expression. All tags matching this regular expression will be created as a version of the service offering. The tag name is used as the version name. If the Git repository is private, credentials to access the Git repository must be provided. Finally, click the CREATE button.

The Service Lifecycle Management analyses the repository and checks whether version tags exist. A version of the service offering is created for each existing version tag. The Git repository will be checked periodically for new tags, and, if necessary, a new service offering version will be created. The interval at which the tags of the git repository are checked can be configured via the environment variable SERVICE_REGISTRY_GIT_CHECK_INTERVAL_MINUTES in the .env file. The service offering then appears in the overview with all service offerings. For git-based service offerings, versions cannot be created or deleted manually. After a tag is deleted from the Git repository, the corresponding service offering version will also be deleted during the next check.

# Service Options

Service options allow the user to make configurations when ordering a service. The configured service options are provided service instance deployed. A service option has the following properties:

  • Relation: Relation to a section in the deployment definition (e.g., a service in a docker compose file).
  • Key: Key to identify the service option.
  • Name: Name of the service option.
  • Description: Description of the service option.
  • Option Type: Type of the service option. Possible types are:
    • VOLUME
    • LABEL
  • Default Value: The default value of the service option.
  • Value Type: The value type is mainly used for how the input fields are queried from the user during an order of a service offering. Possible value types are:
Value Type Description
STRING Input field for plain text
PASSWORD Input field for plain text. The text is masked.
BOOLEAN Boolean value with checkbox as input.
NUMBER Integer or decimal numbers.
INTEGER Integer numbers.
DECIMAL Decimal numbers.
EMAIL Input field with format check for email addresses.
IP Input field with format check for IPv4 addresses.
ENUM Dropdown with values from Value Options as elements.
AUTO_GENERATED_UUID A UUID is generated automatically.
PORT Port in the range from 0 to 65535
VOLUME Input field with format check for volumes.
AAS_SM_TEMPLATE The semantic ID of a Asset Administration Shell (AAS) submodel can be defined. When the user orders the service offering, all AAS that have an instance of this submodel are searched in the AAS register. The result is presented to the user as a dropdown list.
SYSTEM_VARIABLE Common system variables provided by the SLM (e.g., values from application properties)
DEPLOYMENT_VARIABLE Variables related to deployment:
- TARGET_RESOURCE_ID: Id of the resource on which the service is deployed
- TARGET_RESOURCE_IP: IP address of the resource on which the service is deployed
  • Value Options: Possible options for values which the user can choose. Currently only relevant for Value Type ENUM.
  • Required: If set to true, the user will be forced to make an input when ordering the service offering.
  • Editable: If set to true, the user can change the default value when ordering the service offering. If set to false. The default value is visible (read-only) for the user.

The service options of a service offering are organized into service option categories. A service option category consists of an id, a name and a list of service options.

Example for service categories definition:

    - id: 0
      name: Light
        - relation: env.list
          key: COLOR
          name: "Color"
          description: 'The color to be displayed. Valid colors are: red, green, blue'
          optionType: ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE
          defaultValue: blue
          valueType: ENUM
            - red
            - green
            - blue
          required: true
          editable: true
        - relation: env.list
          key: BRIGHTNESS
          name: "Brightness"
          description: 'The brightness to be displayed \nValid brightness values are: [0 up to 100]'
          optionType: ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE
          defaultValue: 99
          valueType: INTEGER
          valueOptions: []
          required: true
          editable: true
        - relation: env.list
          key: EFFECT
          name: "Animation Effect"
          description: 'The animation effect to be displayed \nValid effects are: solid, blink, breath'
          optionType: ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE
          defaultValue: rainbow
          valueType: ENUM
            - solid
            - blink
            - breath
          required: true
          editable: true
    - id: 1
      name: Connection
        - relation: env.list
          key: MSB_HOST
          name: The Host of the running MSB stack, preferably as IP
          description: The Host of the running MSB stack
          optionType: ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE
          valueType: STRING
          valueOptions: []
          required: true
          editable: true
        - relation: env.list
          key: MSB_UUID
          name: The UUID for the WS client of the MSB
          description: The UUID for the WS client of the MSB
          optionType: ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE
          defaultValue: a5d2fbeb-bac5-4269-90ee-6813491734b5
          valueType: STRING
          valueOptions: []
          required: true
          editable: true